#26 Renewing Palestine Solidarity in 2021! Ryvka Barnard and Akram Salhab
We're looking at the threats the movement has faced in the UK especially and how they might be connected to Israel’s ongoing settler-colonialism on the ground.
With attacks on NGOs, human rights defenders and activists in Palestine itself and with apparent attempts to permanently conclude the Question of Palestine in Israel’s favour through Trump’s Deal of the Century and defunding of UNRWA in particular, we’ll be looking at how to renew effective solidarity with Palestine in an atmosphere of crackdown and repression.
We’re delighted to be joined by two prominent campaigners and organisers with many years experience at the heart of the Palestine solidarity movement, Ryvka Barnard and Akram Salhab.
Ryvka Barnard is the former Head of Civic Space at War on Want (now with PSC) and Akram Salhab is a British-Palestinian organiser and migrant justice campaigner. He was recently the lead voice featured in Channel 4’s documentary examining the Palestinian experience of British colonialism.