Ending Israel's Impunity: The West’s Century of Broken Promises towards Palestine

9 Mar

Ambassador Husam Zomlot, Head of the Palestinian Mission to the United Kingdom speaks to Palestine Deep Dive’s Mark Seddon. The ambassador illuminates the U.K.'s century of broken promises and missed opportunities towards Palestine, including the lack of leadership of the British government for continuing to refuse to recognise the State of Palestine.

He places responsibility for Israel’s ongoing impunity on the West for refusing to hold Israel accountable for its ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people.

The ambassador highlights how the U.S. is at risk of losing impact and influence on the region by refusing to reverse Trump’s policy decisions, and predicts the continuation of Israel’s far right trajectory, if the West continues to allow Israel to be unaccountable on the world stage.

The pair also discuss the rise in awareness of the apartheid discourse surrounding Israel and Palestine, Western media bias and the ambassador’s hopes which lie outside of the political elite, but instead at the feet of ordinary people on the streets of the Arab world and across the United Kingdom for bringing about meaningful change from the bottom up.

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Husam Zomlot

Ambassador Husam S. Zomlot is the Head of the Palestinian Mission to the United Kingdom. Prior to his appointment to the UK, Dr. Zomlot served as Strategic Affairs Advisor to the Palestinian president and Ambassador to the United States (Head of the PLO General Delegation to the United States). Dr Zomlot’s previous official roles include serving as ambassador–at-large for the Palestinian Presidency, Director of the Fatah Foreign Relations Commission and First Counsellor at the Palestinian Mission to the United Kingdom.