"My HOME is Not a Military FIRING ZONE!" On the Ground in Masafer Yatta

26 Jun

We're live with for a DeepDive illuminating the situation on the ground in Masafer Yatta, where thousands of Palestinians are facing imminent expulsion.

In the early 1980s the IDF declared the area a firing zone (“Firing Zone 918”), an action viewed by experts as a violation of international law and one clearly undertaken with the objective of forcibly displacing the Palestinian residents of the area to take control of the land.

Last month, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected the residents' claims to the land in favour of the military, declaring the region a closed-off training area following the two-decade legal battle. Residents fear expulsion and are already at the mercy of Israeli home demolitions and property confiscations while also facing regular harassment and violence from both the Israeli army and Israeli settlers.

We’re live with Basil Al-Adraa, a local resident, activist & journalist, and Yuval Abraham, a Jerusalem-based journalist and activist.

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Basil Adraa

Basil Adraa is an activist, journalist, and photographer from the village of a-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills.