Under Fire, Under Siege – Live with Gaza Youth

19 May

We’re live with three young Palestinians in Gaza enduring Israel’s relentless bombing campaign.

Mark Seddon is joined by: Hala Shoman

Hala, 28, is a dentist, social anthropologist as well as human rights activist. Since 2012, she has volunteered in different fields related to youth empowerment, health and gender-based violence. Hala also was a regular demonstrator and volunteer paramedic/surgical assistant during the Great March of Return. She seeks a future in which we all live without occupation, discrimination and injustice

Bahzad Alakhras

Bahzad is a medical doctor from Gaza. He studied a masters in Child and Adolescents Mental Health at King's College London. Now, he works as a mental health doctor at Gaza Community Mental Health Program, an essential NGO working in the field in Gaza.

Raed Shakshak

Raed, 23, is a Palestinian activist, writer and former outreach coordinator for We Are Not Numbers. Raed is passionate about the art of story-telling and public speaking, and he is constantly engaged in youth empowerment activities and opportunities.

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Hala Shoman

Hala Shoman is a dentist, social anthropologist as well as human rights activist. Since 2012, she has volunteered in different fields related to youth empowerment, health and gender-based violence. Hala also was a regular demonstrator and volunteer paramedic/surgical assistant during the Great March of Return. She seeks a future in which we all live without occupation, discrimination and injustice.